Hello there! It’s February and almost Valentine’s day. Do you celebrate Valentine’s day or do you just skip it? To me, Valentine’s day is not a big deal, I won’t be disappointed when I don’t get diamonds or red roses. But it is the day I started my blog two years ago! I like to keep up the tradition and write a Valentine’s day blog post every year. This year, I kept it simple and created dried hydrangea hearts. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the post for a free printable hydrangea heart! Continue reading Dried hydrangea heart for Valentine’s Day
Tag: hydrangea
Dream garden
It is still winter but there are signs of spring everywhere. The snowdrops are the first flowers to bloom in our garden. Two varieties of hellebores lighten up the back garden, they are so pretty. There are also some green hellebores in the front garden. They don’t get much sun so they probably won’t open for weeks.